About Me

I have been an independent consultant since 2010, working directly with a number of organizations, and subcontracting through such firms as Development Dimensions International (DDI), Results by Design, Wilder Presentations, William Bridges and Associates, and Casey Hall Training Associates..

I call myself the “Swiss Army Knife of Learning and Development” for two reasons:

  1. I delight in all the parts of the learning and development design and delivery process (from needs assessment through delivery and training of trainers)
  2. My “tools” include background in most topics that fall under the rubric of “soft skills,” including:
  • Becoming a New Leader – a seismic identity shift
  • Coaching Skills / Advanced Coaching Skills
  • Decision Making / Decision Making for Women Leaders
  • Giving Feedback that Leads to Successful Change
  • Delegation and Performance Management
  • Executing Strategy
  • Influencing Others
  • Managing Change
  • Strengthening Partnerships
  • Leading Change / Managing Transition
  • Team Building (conflict, change, conversation, decision making and the MBTI)
  • Problem Solving and Developing a Process Mindset

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